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First posted on 06 March 2019.
Source: Microsoft

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Backdoor:PHP/Small.M.

Explanation :


This threat is typically installed by an exploit or compromise from another source such as weak passwords. It has no self-installation capabilities.

If the server runs this script while serving a webpage to an external visitor, the external visitor can run executable arbitrary commands.

Example scenario:

A malicious hacker places the scipt on a web server through an exploit, or a weak or stolen password, for example asdfgh.php.

The malicious hacker can go to example.com/asdfgh.php to run the backdoor script.

They can then provide their password and send commands in the HTTP request.


Sends information to a malicious hacker

Information obtained from the HTTP request can be returned to the malicious hacker. Information can include various details about the targeted server.

Last update 06 March 2019