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First posted on 25 January 2013.
Source: Microsoft

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Joke:BAT/Cilmes.A.

Explanation :

Joke:BAT/Cilmes.A is a name we give to a batch file that, when run, displays a message.

In the wild, we have observed this batch file being dropped by Worm:Win32/SillyShareCopy.E.

Below is an example of the message that it displays: in a command prompt window:

81u3f4nt45y - 24.01.2007
Don't kill me, i'm just send message from your computer
Terima kasih telah menemaniku walaupun hanya sesaat, tapi bagiku sangat berarti
Maafkan jika kebahagiaan yang kuminta adalah teman sepanjang hidupku
Seharusnya aku mengerti bahwa keberadaanku bukanlah disisimu, hanyalah lamunan dalam sesal
Untuk kekasih yang tak kan pernah kumiliki 3r1k1m0

Analysis by Jireh Sanico

Last update 25 January 2013