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CS Lite

Posted on 08 June 2009

From: Ron Beckman

This extension will allow you to easily control cookie permissions. It can be accessed from the statusbar, a toolbar button, or the context menu. Just click on the icon to allow, block, or temporarily allow the site to set cookies. You can also view, clear or edit the cookies and exceptions by right clicking on the cs lite icon. For safer browsing you may choose to deny cookies globally and then enable them on a per site basis. You can also download a blocklist that contains a list of untrusted hosts that you may choose to import into FF and block. The blocklist can be configured to automatically update or can be updated manually.

This is a lighter, scaled down version of CookieSafe. It contains less features, but is considerably easier to use. The extension has been completely recoded from top to bottom making this the most stable version to date.