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First posted on 04 December 2014.
Source: Symantec

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Backdoor.Setoba.

Explanation :

When the Trojan is executed, it creates the following file: [PATH TO MALWARE]\COM.Extentions.bin.log
The Trojan may then create, remove, start, or end a service with the following characteristics: Service name: COM+ System Extentions>Provides a common interface and extention module to access, management and use any services that explicitly depend on Component Object Model (COM)+-based.Display Name: COM+ System Extentions
The Trojan then connects to the following remote location: srv01.microsoftwindowsupdate.net
The Trojan then exfiltrates data by sending emails with the data from testmail_00001@yahoo.com to dyanachear@beyondsys.com

The Trojan may also perform the following actions: Open a reverse shellExecute filesWrite log data

Last update 04 December 2014