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YingZhi Python 1.9 Arbitrary Traversal / Write

Posted on 26 September 2012

YingZhi Python Programming Language for iOS Vendor: XiaoWen Huang Version 1.9. Product Websites http://sosilen.blog.163.com http://www.iphoneappstorm.com/iphone-apps/utilities/com.yingzhi.python/yingzhipython.php?id=493505744 YingZhi Description: Python Interpreter is a native python development application for the iPad/iPhone. It is available for iOS 4 and above. The product is packaged with its own httpd and ftpd servers. Enabling the local daemons for development by Touching Computer<->This Machine starts up an httpd server and ftpd server, both daemons are bound to device IP not localhost. Vulnerabilities: httpd server allows upload of arbitrary files to root WWW directory. Browsing to http://<target_ip>:8080/ presents an index page in which anyone can upload files to the web servers root directory. ftp server vulnerable to ../ bug The ftp server doesn't sanitize user input and allows remote users to read and possibly write to the devices storage. The ftp server doesn't bother authenticating users, any username/password combination will allow you in. Larry Cashdollar @lcashdol http://vapid.dhs.org