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Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics

Published: 22 November 2004

Learn the secrets and strategies for investigating computer crime

Investigate computer crime, corporate malfeasance, and hacker break-ins quickly and effectively with help from this practical and comprehensive resource. You?ll get expert information on crucial procedures to prosecute violators successfully while avoiding the pitfalls of illicit searches, privacy violations, and illegally obtained evidence. It?s all here--from collecting actionable evidence, re-creating the criminal timeline, and zeroing in on a suspect to uncovering obscured and deleted code, unlocking encrypted files, and preparing lawful affidavits. Plus, you?ll get in-depth coverage of the latest PDA and cell phone investigation techniques and real-world case studies.

Digital sleuthing techniques that will withstand judicial scrutiny

Inside, you?ll learn to:

  • Plan and prepare for all stages of an investigation using the proven Hacking Exposed methodology

  • Work with and store evidence in a properly configured forensic lab

  • Deploy an effective case management strategy to collect material, document findings, and archive results

  • Covertly investigate, triage, and work with remote data across the network

  • Recover partitions, INFO records, and deleted, wiped, and hidden files

  • Acquire, authenticate, and analyze evidence from Windows, UNIX, and Macintosh systems using the latest hardware and software tools

  • Use forensic tools to uncover obscured code, file mismatches, and invalid signatures

  • Extract client and Web-based email artifacts using Email Examiner, EnCase, Forensic Toolkit, and open source tools

  • Handle enterprise storage like RAIDs, SANs, NAS, and tape backup libraries

  • Recover vital data from handheld devices such as PDAs and cell phones

Pages: 480
ISBN: 0072256753
ISBN-13: 978-0072256758
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