
SSL and TLS: Designing and Building Secure Systems

Published: 27 October 2000

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is used in virtually every commercial web browser and server. In this book, one of the world's leading network security experts explains how SSL works -- and gives implementers step-by-step guidance and proven design patterns for building secure systems with SSL. Eric Rescorla also provides the first in-depth introduction to Transport Layer Security (TLS), the highly anticipated, maximum-security successor to SSL. Rescorla starts by introducing SSL's fundamentals: how it works, and the threats it is intended to address. One step at a time, he addresses each key SSL concept and technique, including cryptography, SSL performance optimization, designing and coding, and how to work around SSL's limitations. Rescorla demonstrates TLS at work in SMTP-based Internet security applications. The book includes detailed examples of SSL/TLS implementations, with in-depth insight into the key design choices that informed them. For all network and security designers, enterprise developers, system implementers, and suppliers of Internet security products and services.

Pages: 528
ISBN: 0201615983
ISBN-13: 978-0201615982
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