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First posted on 12 September 2008.
Source: SecurityHome

Aliases :

There are no other names known for Trojan-Spy:W32/Banbra.RH.

Explanation :

This type of trojan secretly installs spy programs and/or keylogger programs.

right]This malware steals login information for the Bradesco Net Empresa online banking site by displaying a fake login screen to individuals attempting to access the legitimate bank site. After harvesting the login details, the malware will save that information into a file that it e-mails to a remote user. The malware is compressed with UPX 3.0.


Upon execution, this malware turns off the Windows Firewall, using a command-line tool built into Windows and normally used to change system configuration:

  • netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable
It will also create the following folders:

  • %windir%inetinfx.exe - copy of itself
  • %windir%inidirx.ini - text file where the malware logs the login information it retrieves

The malware then stays resident in the memory, waiting. It continually monitors the browser window titles and when the title is changed to "https://bradesconetempresa.com.br - Bradesco - Colocando voc sempre frente - Microsoft Internet Explorer", it will activate and display a fake login screen, to fool the individual into believing they have accessed the legitimate website's login screen. Information entered into the login screen's forms are saved in the inidirx.ini text file and are sent to the e-mail address master.canico[...]@gmail.com.

Last update 12 September 2008