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[RHSA-2020:5568-01] Important: Red Hat Fuse 7.8.0 release and security update

Posted on 16 December 2020

===================================================================== Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis: Important: Red Hat Fuse 7.8.0 release and security update
Advisory ID: RHSA-2020:5568-01
Product: Red Hat JBoss Fuse
Advisory URL: https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2020:5568
Issue date: 2020-12-16
CVE Names: CVE-2018-1000873 CVE-2019-0205 CVE-2019-0210
CVE-2019-2692 CVE-2019-3773 CVE-2019-3774
CVE-2019-10202 CVE-2019-10219 CVE-2019-11777
CVE-2019-12406 CVE-2019-12423 CVE-2019-13990
CVE-2019-14900 CVE-2019-17566 CVE-2019-17638
CVE-2019-19343 CVE-2020-1714 CVE-2020-1719
CVE-2020-1950 CVE-2020-1960 CVE-2020-5398
CVE-2020-7226 CVE-2020-9488 CVE-2020-9489
CVE-2020-10683 CVE-2020-10740 CVE-2020-11612
CVE-2020-11971 CVE-2020-11972 CVE-2020-11973
CVE-2020-11980 CVE-2020-11989 CVE-2020-11994
CVE-2020-13692 CVE-2020-13933 CVE-2020-14326
1. Summary:

A minor version update (from 7.7 to 7.8) is now available for Red Hat Fuse.
The purpose of this text-only errata is to inform you about the security
issues fixed in this release.

Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact
of Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score,
which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability
from the CVE link(s) in the References section.

2. Description:

This release of Red Hat Fuse 7.8.0 serves as a replacement for Red Hat Fuse
7.7, and includes bug fixes and enhancements, which are documented in the
Release Notes document linked to in the References.

Security Fix(es):

* libquartz: XXE attacks via job description (CVE-2019-13990)

* jetty: double release of resource can lead to information disclosure

* keycloak: Lack of checks in ObjectInputStream leading to Remote Code
Execution (CVE-2020-1714)

* springframework: RFD attack via Content-Disposition Header sourced from
request input by Spring MVC or Spring WebFlux Application (CVE-2020-5398)

* wildfly: unsafe deserialization in Wildfly Enterprise Java Beans

* camel: RabbitMQ enables Java deserialization by default which could leed
to remote code execution (CVE-2020-11972)

* camel: Netty enables Java deserialization by default which could leed to
remote code execution (CVE-2020-11973)

* shiro: spring dynamic controllers, a specially crafted request may cause
an authentication bypass (CVE-2020-11989)

* camel: server-side template injection and arbitrary file disclosure on
templating components (CVE-2020-11994)

* postgresql-jdbc: XML external entity (XXE) vulnerability in PgSQLXML

* shiro: specially crafted HTTP request may cause an authentication bypass

* RESTEasy: Caching routes in RootNode may result in DoS (CVE-2020-14326)

* jackson-modules-java8: DoS due to an Improper Input Validation

* thrift: Endless loop when feed with specific input data (CVE-2019-0205)

* thrift: Out-of-bounds read related to TJSONProtocol or
TSimpleJSONProtocol (CVE-2019-0210)

* mysql-connector-java: privilege escalation in MySQL connector

* spring-ws: XML External Entity Injection (XXE) when receiving XML data
from untrusted sources (CVE-2019-3773)

* spring-batch: XML External Entity Injection (XXE) when receiving XML data
from untrusted sources (CVE-2019-3774)

* codehaus: incomplete fix for unsafe deserialization in jackson-databind
vulnerabilities (CVE-2019-10202)

* hibernate-validator: safeHTML validator allows XSS (CVE-2019-10219)

* org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3: Improper hostname validation in the MQTT
library (CVE-2019-11777)

* cxf: does not restrict the number of message attachments (CVE-2019-12406)

* cxf: OpenId Connect token service does not properly validate the clientId

* hibernate: SQL injection issue in Hibernate ORM (CVE-2019-14900)

* batik: SSRF via "xlink:href" (CVE-2019-17566)

* Undertow: Memory Leak in Undertow HttpOpenListener due to holding
remoting connections indefinitely (CVE-2019-19343)

* Wildfly: EJBContext principal is not popped back after invoking another
EJB using a different Security Domain (CVE-2020-1719)

* apache-flink: JMX information disclosure vulnerability (CVE-2020-1960)

* cryptacular: excessive memory allocation during a decode operation

* tika-core: Denial of Service Vulnerabilities in Some of Apache Tika's
Parsers (CVE-2020-9489)

* dom4j: XML External Entity vulnerability in default SAX parser

* netty: compression/decompression codecs don't enforce limits on buffer
allocation sizes (CVE-2020-11612)

* camel: DNS Rebinding in JMX Connector could result in remote command
execution (CVE-2020-11971)

* karaf: A remote client could create MBeans from arbitrary URLs

* tika: excessive memory usage in PSDParser (CVE-2020-1950)

* log4j: improper validation of certificate with host mismatch in SMTP
appender (CVE-2020-9488)

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS
score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE
page(s) listed in the References section.

3. Solution:

Before applying the update, back up your existing installation, including
all applications, configuration files, databases and database settings, and
so on.

Installation instructions are available from the Fuse 7.8.0 product
documentation page:

4. Bugs fixed (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/):

1665601 - CVE-2018-1000873 jackson-modules-java8: DoS due to an Improper Input Validation
1666499 - CVE-2019-14900 hibernate: SQL injection issue in Hibernate ORM
1670593 - CVE-2019-3773 spring-ws: XML External Entity Injection (XXE) when receiving XML data from untrusted sources
1670597 - CVE-2019-3774 spring-batch: XML External Entity Injection (XXE) when receiving XML data from untrusted sources
1694235 - CVE-2020-10683 dom4j: XML External Entity vulnerability in default SAX parser
1703402 - CVE-2019-2692 mysql-connector-java: privilege escalation in MySQL connector
1705975 - CVE-2020-1714 keycloak: Lack of checks in ObjectInputStream leading to Remote Code Execution
1731271 - CVE-2019-10202 codehaus: incomplete fix for unsafe deserialization in jackson-databind vulnerabilities
1738673 - CVE-2019-10219 hibernate-validator: safeHTML validator allows XSS
1764607 - CVE-2019-0210 thrift: Out-of-bounds read related to TJSONProtocol or TSimpleJSONProtocol
1764612 - CVE-2019-0205 thrift: Endless loop when feed with specific input data
1780445 - CVE-2019-19343 Undertow: Memory Leak in Undertow HttpOpenListener due to holding remoting connections indefinitely
1796617 - CVE-2020-1719 Wildfly: EJBContext principal is not popped back after invoking another EJB using a different Security Domain
1797006 - CVE-2019-12423 cxf: OpenId Connect token service does not properly validate the clientId
1799475 - CVE-2020-5398 springframework: RFD attack via Content-Disposition Header sourced from request input by Spring MVC or Spring WebFlux Application
1801149 - CVE-2019-13990 libquartz: XXE attacks via job description
1801380 - CVE-2020-7226 cryptacular: excessive memory allocation during a decode operation
1816170 - CVE-2019-12406 cxf: does not restrict the number of message attachments
1816216 - CVE-2020-11612 netty: compression/decompression codecs don't enforce limits on buffer allocation sizes
1822759 - CVE-2020-1950 tika: excessive memory usage in PSDParser
1831139 - CVE-2020-9488 log4j: improper validation of certificate with host mismatch in SMTP appender
1834512 - CVE-2020-10740 wildfly: unsafe deserialization in Wildfly Enterprise Java Beans
1848126 - CVE-2020-1960 apache-flink: JMX information disclosure vulnerability
1848433 - CVE-2020-11971 camel: DNS Rebinding in JMX Connector could result in remote command execution
1848464 - CVE-2020-11972 camel: RabbitMQ enables Java deserialization by default which could leed to remote code execution
1848465 - CVE-2020-11973 camel: Netty enables Java deserialization by default which could leed to remote code execution
1848617 - CVE-2019-17566 batik: SSRF via "xlink:href"
1850042 - CVE-2020-9489 tika-core: Denial of Service Vulnerabilities in Some of Apache Tika's Parsers
1850069 - CVE-2020-11989 shiro: spring dynamic controllers, a specially crafted request may cause an authentication bypass
1850450 - CVE-2020-11980 karaf: A remote client could create MBeans from arbitrary URLs
1852985 - CVE-2020-13692 postgresql-jdbc: XML external entity (XXE) vulnerability in PgSQLXML
1855786 - CVE-2020-11994 camel: server-side template injection and arbitrary file disclosure on templating components
1855826 - CVE-2020-14326 RESTEasy: Caching routes in RootNode may result in DoS
1864680 - CVE-2019-17638 jetty: double release of resource can lead to information disclosure
1869860 - CVE-2020-13933 shiro: specially crafted HTTP request may cause an authentication bypass
1879743 - CVE-2019-11777 org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3: Improper hostname validation in the MQTT library

5. References:


6. Contact:

The Red Hat security contact is <secalert@redhat.com>. More contact
details at https://access.redhat.com/security/team/contact/

Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc.