linux get bios version

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linux get bios version

Post by mister_v »


Is there a way find the version of the BIOS.
Without restarting the server?
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Re: linux get bios version

Post by Chris »

You can use the command :

Code: Select all

dmidecode | less
You get something like this:

Code: Select all

BIOS Information
        Vendor: American Megatrends Inc.
        Version: 1206   
        Release Date: 11/26/2008
        Address: 0xF0000
        Runtime Size: 64 kB
        ROM Size: 1024 kB
                ISA is supported
                PCI is supported
                PNP is supported
                APM is supported
                BIOS is upgradeable
                BIOS shadowing is allowed
                ESCD support is available
                Boot from CD is supported
                Selectable boot is supported
                BIOS ROM is socketed
                EDD is supported
                5.25"/1.2 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
                3.5"/720 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
                3.5"/2.88 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
                Print screen service is supported (int 5h)
                8042 keyboard services are supported (int 9h)
                Serial services are supported (int 14h)
                Printer services are supported (int 17h)
                CGA/mono video services are supported (int 10h)
                ACPI is supported
                USB legacy is supported
                LS-120 boot is supported
                ATAPI Zip drive boot is supported
                BIOS boot specification is supported
                Targeted content distribution is supported
        BIOS Revision: 8.14[


And a lot more hardware info
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