
How to choose a good password

Posted on 28 August 2006.


All secret information is protected with a password.
But what if someone guesses the password?
Well the chances that someone guesses your password is low, if you follow a few rules.
Don't use personal information in your password.
Like names of your children, husband, wife, ...
But also dates , birthday, marriage, ...
If you follow these simple rules they won't guess your password.

But with the computers of today they don't have to guess, they just run a script and the computer tries all the possible combinations out.
Any 6 characters password with only lower case letters can be hacked in just a few hours.

So it is important to have a good password.

What's a good password?
A password must have at least 8 characters, preferable more then 12.
Use a combination of lower-case, UPPER-case letters and numbers.
You can also use special characters like @ + & é ç à and more (You cannot use \/:*?"<>| , they can cause problems)
note: On the internet not all sites accept special characters.

These passwords takes weeks even months to break, but they still can be hacked!
So change your password regularly, important passwords every 14 days.

I don't recommend any password manager, not even those of Windows or Internet Explorer. Even if they encrypt the passwords it can easily be broken.

Don't write passwords down on a paper and place in next to your screen.
It's safe from hackers over the internet but anyone who enters your bureau can access your computer.