
Source code and compilers

Posted on 12 September 2006.


Programs can be infected by viruses or by spy ware, so how do you know when it is save ? You can use the source code . But is your compiler save ?

Especially if your concerned with security, you should pay attention. We already know that some software-firms added back-doors and loopholes in there (security)software under pressure from certain governments.

Now you can limited the risk if you get the source code and compile it yourself. You can search the source code for these loopholes and backdoors.
The source code is readable for humans, it's written in "readable" languages (C,C++,Java,...). Machine languages (EXE-files,...) is not readable for humans, unless your an expert and have a lot of time.
Another advantage is that, with the source code you can compile the program for each operating system, windows, linux, unix, ...

Now here is the great question, is your compiler save ?
What if the compiler is written to add backdoors in any program it compiles ?
You can get the source code of a compiler and then compile a new compiler.
But, what if a compiler is programmed to add, backdoor-adding-code to a compiler, when it compiles a new compiler ?

You see, you can never be 100% sure.

When you can you should use source code, and compile your programs. You can find free source code sites below.

You'll need compilers: